A Resolution Worth Making…

Posted by on Jan 14th, 2010 and filed under Featured. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry from your site

topnewsA Resolution Worth Making…

Greetings and welcome to the New Years edition of your NTNews.

New Years is traditionally a time of new beginnings and a season of hope for positive changes in our world. Many people make ‘resolutions’ designed for just this purpose. Well, recently I sat down with our 17 month old granddaughter Lillian and had a little discussion.

I asked Lilly if she had made any new years resolutions this year.

As is very typical when I speak to her, she looked at me as if to say…”Bumpa, (her name for me) what in the heck are you talking about”!

I explained to her how the typical resolution thing works, You know, we make promises to ourselves to do things differently, to quit doing things that aren’t good for us and to start doing things that are. Like we will commit to ourselves to stop eating junk food and to lose weight and get into shape this year.

She looked at me curiously as if to ask…”why do you do things that are bad for you?”… I told her that is a question for another time… and I continued.

I told her that we will then run out and join a new gym, get there first thing early monday morning in our new workout gear, jump on the treadmill and go until we are huffing and puffing and sweating all over the place. Then we swing over to whole foods and buy all new ‘organic’, low fat, healthy foods, including lots of fruits and vegetables, and then we clean all the ‘bad’ food out of our refrigerator and pantry, tossing it in the garbage while replacing it with our newly acquired ‘good’ food.

Lilly just sat there listening as if to say…”I see where this story is going, but please continue”…so I did.

I then told her that for most people (88%) this behavior usually lasts anywhere from a few days to a few months. Then we start breaking our resolutions and we go back to doing things as we did before. We get discouraged by our lack of discipline and self control. We give up, feel bad about ourselves and then we go through the rest of the ‘new year’ as we did the last year while awaiting the next ‘new year’ to repeat the entire process!

I asked Lillian if she understood what I had just explained to her… and she paused for a moment.

She gazed at me as if to say…”I understand completely!”

Then, she simply said… “Bumpa!” as she jumped into my arms and gave me a great big bear hug!

She then grabbed me by the sleeve, motioning for me to follow her, and she led me to her treasure chest of books and toys… and we played!

And then, I understood completely!

I resolved to Lillian right then and there that I would enjoy life to the fullest and to play more often!

She simply twinkled her eyes and smiled at me.

Now that’s a resolution worth making!

Lot’s of exciting news in this months issue so make sure you browse through all the various sections in your NTNews to get the full scoop.

One area that is receiving a lot of attention is the NTWarrior Team.

This renegade collection of NTWarriors are kickin’ some tail and having a blast doing it!

You will all be receiving a special invitation to become a member of this elite team, if you haven’t already, and I encourage everyone to give it your utmost consideration. Come join this powerful team of  “protectors and promoters” and find out why they are having such a good time.

Also,  remember to take full advantage of all the weekly tele-conferences. There are calls virtually every day which you can access from the convenience of your phone or computer. These calls cover every aspect of The NTSociety and are very important as well as informative. This is where you can explore ways to get more involved in shaping the direction of our Society while expanding your knowledge and getting to know other members.

And, if you have any questions or comments, head on over to Member Services at  (800-480-2336) where skilled and competent members are ready and willing to assist you.

That’s it for this edition of NTNews.

Resolve to make this your best year ever!

All the Best,

JP Baker
Your NTNews Editor

4 Responses for “A Resolution Worth Making…”

  1. Justin says:

    When it comes to new years resolutions I never really found the point in trying to do things that I didn’t like to do such as exercising for at least 30 minutes everyday simply by walking or reading at least one book every 4 weeks. I just simply did whatever I did to just get by. For me, it was putting off my homework in school and I’m still struggling getting my responsibilities done even now during my college years (I’m in my 3rd year and 2nd semester of college). We have to find meaning in our new year resolutions by setting long term goals and feeling that it’s going to be worth it. It all comes down to eliminating our laziness, mysticism, and dishonesty. I’ve been studying the 3 heirlooms that I purchased from NTP including the Pax Neo-Tech book I bought 3 months ago. It’s helped change my belief system for the better. I’ve still got a ways to go before I eliminate my laziness, but I’m lot better off in that I own the 3 heirloom packages and access to other sources of information.I’ll make elimination my laziness my new year’s resolution. However, it might take me an additional 2-3 years of continual studying of the Neo-Tech literature before I thoroughly and meticulously disintegrate my laziness that I’ve built up for myself ever since I was 7 years old in the 1st grade.

    I really liked your post and I want to read more on the neothinknews.com website. Keep up the good fight towards the eventual Neothink paradigm shift to the C of U!!

  2. What a great New Year’s Resolution, Jim!

    I resolve to have 83 A-Teams in Michigan (one A-Team per county) in 2010.

    The Universe to Josh: “Your wish is your command!” …haha

  3. More Info for another breathtaking testimony and increasing momentum of
    steady rolling ESSENCE. Ideas and puzzle pieces just around the corner
    waiting to happen. THANKYOU ALL. I am excited and just waiting for the right moment that I know will be happening. A great feeling of exhileration and freshness of life.

  4. Carl Jess Okeson says:

    There’s always room for improvement !

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