Member Services….. On The Move…….

Posted by on May 17th, 2010 and filed under Members. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry from your site

Members ServicesMember Services….. On The Move…….

Members Services not only continues to assist more and more individuals to enter to Neothink® Society and offer support for existing members. Each Member Services Representative continues to Grow and Build their Integrations simply by just answering questions and sharing their own Neothink Journey.

A Teleservices Introduction Meeting in the making…..

Member Services continues to move forward answering general Neothink Society questions, explaining content in the literature, directing members to Clubhouses and teleseminars,

not to mention assisting all Non-Neothink members who received this fascinating letter from Mark Hamilton addressing that they have special traits.

Special Traits…. Me?

What special traits do I have is the question.  And… a Member Services representative discusses this intriguing observation by being very stimulating and telling their own Neothink journey….

It is so wonderful to see Neohtink members’ integrations continue to grow and build by answering questions and telling their own Neothink story………

Member Services…. What a wonderful opportunity to take the writings in the literature and put the words into action…….. yes Action………..

Remember, Member Services is there for you also…  1-800-480-2336

Steve Fagan

4 Responses for “Member Services….. On The Move…….”

  1. Mary Purvis says:

    I’ve finished writing a book on fairies for children. It’s an adventure of fairies and what happens to them if they don’t have a fairy pillow. My question is: Is there any person out in Neothink world who is in to publishing a children’s book?

    Thank you Mary

  2. Daniel Sheldon says:

    Hi I am new to the neothink society.but I am a writer and aspiring artist and I have a few things that I’d like to do with you guys the only problem I have been having is funding and contacts.I would like to make videogames toys comicbooks, books, and movies.I have a published screenplay that I have had copywritten and a trademark for it too .contact me back and I will give you more info.I sure hope this neo thing works cause I can always make more.Thank you and best regards, Daniel

  3. scott wolfer says:

    why every time i say i am aluminaty do i get in a fight 8 or 9 i am alright but why.its stupid.why.i would like to have people see a nother way to live.its really a pain in the me wof cub jr

  4. Bianca Thompson says:

    Bianca Thompson says I love my book now I am ready to help sell thank you so mush.

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