Members Services – A Day In The Life…

Posted by on Mar 16th, 2010 and filed under Members. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry from your site

Mark Hamilton Neothink Society Members ServicesThe Following article is an example of one of many day occurrences in Member Services.

(Thank you Martin Fitzpatrick for sharing with your fellow Neothink Society family the following communication.)

I Just want to bring you a story of a person I have had the pleasure of meeting that I would of never meet with out being part of Member Services. When I first meet Dallas, he was doubting the society and the Value of the literature that he had read thus far. He was confused about some of the material he had read.  Dallas was wondering if he really fit into the society.

As we spoke over the next few weeks I was able to help him through a difficult spot in his reading with the society. I ask him to wait and see, not to jump too quickly and to bring in all the available reading the society had to offer, and make his decision based upon all the data he had accumulated.

During our many conversations, we also discussed GIN, and Your Wish CD pkg. I still remember the message on my machine like it was yesterday, “Hi Martin this is Dallas, you’re not going to believe this but I got to disc 4, and the depression is gone, 30 years of depression gone I can’t believe it”

Later when I talked with Dallas he told me that when he got to the part of Kevin Trudeau CD disc 4, were it gives the command, “I will feel good now” “at that moment” he said it lifted and has not returned.

He told me his friends are really seeing a difference in him in a short time. His friend Amanda said “that she really noticed a frequency change in his voice and how it was so much higher”. He further remarked, “That she was very happy for him and the changes in his life in such a short amount of time”.

Dallas, has expressed to me his gratitude toward The Neothink Society® and GIN “for the many opportunities”, He is now even considering opening a Neothink Clubhouse in the near future.

The difference in Dallas is incredible, he has grown in a very short time, and it continually astounds me the affect that the prime literature and Your Wish is Your Command CD’s have on people lives. It is truly an honor to be part of this great evolution of mankind towards consciousness, and the Civilization of the Universe.

It is a great honor to be part of Member Services, and to have the opportunity and pleasure of talking with people all over this great country, we all love. It is truly the most worthy task I have ever undertaken and to have this honor to tell all of you out there, this wonderful story of a person, who is forever changed because of the Member Services Communication Channel, is a great honor as well.

Love to all Martin Fitzpatrick

2 Responses for “Members Services – A Day In The Life…”

  1. Lori Gurren says:

    I can just imagine, Martin …How wonderful it is to see all the people changing right before your eyes. I am fairly new to The Neothink and am an affiliate member of GIN. I’ve listeded to the “Your Wish is Your Command” CD’s going on the 3rd time.
    I’m changing and people are noticing a calmness in me. A sense of security and happiness (my best friend told me.) My husband is surprised at the amount of time I spend reading and now Blogging about the SOS and The Twelve Visions Party. I’ve been a part of this since May of 2009 and decided to do a Website on Neo-Think-Healthy because I believe IT IS TIME. WE NEED TO BE EVERYWHERE. ANY NEWS IS GOOD NEWS AS LONG AS WE ARE HERE TO BACK UP THE TRUTH IF THE PRESS AND GOVERNMENT DECIDE THEY DON’T LIKE US. I believe there are too many enlightened SOULS at this point. I hope everyone takes it upon themselves to try to project the truth avout Neothink and as the press starts writing, we need to see the OPPORTUNITY to promote new members. THIS IS A VERY GOOD TIME AND AN OPPORTUNITY, NO A TIME TO BE AFRAID OF THE PRESS BUT TO CORRECT THE PRESS. WE ARE HERE, WE AREN’T GOING ANYWHERE AND AS I’M SURE Dallas will agree, once you really start understanding and absorbing the truth, it’s fascinating, and contagious.
    Lori Gurren
    Greater Cincinati Area
    Doing all I can to offer up the truth as we build and grow thru the next few months.

  2. Hi Martin,
    I spoke to you on the phone, maybe two weeks ago. Indeed, you are a very
    confident person. Your are a great value to Neothink, with all the good you
    create, and generate for members. Thank you!

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