The Neothink® Business Alliance News

Posted by on Dec 14th, 2009 and filed under Bus Alliance, Featured, Photos. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry from your site

The Neothink® Business Alliance News

Business AllianceThe Super Puzzle Is Coming Together

By Rick Mabe

As we approach the end of 2009 we focus on the year behind and the year to come.  We ask ourselves, did we do it right, did we cover our bases, did we make a profit, did we lift our employees up, were we honest in all our transactions, and most importantly, did we make strides in the achievement of our essence?

My short testimonial is this, “I am as happy as I have ever been with my skin.  I have discovered who I am and I have been provided with the tools necessary to move my vision forward.  I can see real solutions to the ailments of our country and people and I owe it all to Neothink®”.

Here is what I see as the three major puzzle pieces that have snapped into place this year:

  1. We have found the key to clubhouse success through Member Services, special programs and a re-vitalizing of our A-Team support structure.
  2. We have introduced The Twelve Visions Party® to the world.
  3. We have created The Neothink® Business Alliance.

As we focus on the year end tasks such as taxes, employee performance data, the next phase of your dream business strategy, make sure to remember how great it feels right now to be alive!  Understand what it means to you right now to be a part of this uplifting of humanity to heights never before encountered.  And think about what this will mean to your children and grandchildren in coming years.  We are beginning the New Year with a solid path going forward into 2010.

You have heard me speak quite often during our Business Alliance calls about positive affirmations, eliminating mysticism, forming new habits, and the power of the non-conscious brain.  As we approach the New Year I offer up one more focused thought.  And I further ask that each of you take this affirmation as your own and develop this one into a new thought pattern to form the most powerful master mind in the history of mankind!

“The Master Mind that is The Neothink® Society and of which I am a significant part is making huge leaps in advancing all areas of the super puzzle.  I focus my efforts at value creation within my essence, I integrate my piece of the puzzle into the super puzzle, and by doing this I am continuously receiving happiness and prosperity.”

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

ARTS Mastermind for Musicians, Artists, Writers Essence Teams

The Business Alliance ARTS Coordinator, Elaine Bennett, has been workingwith the Writers/Poets Essence Team and have developed MIND-SNAP Magazine, now being previewed on the Blog site. This will feature the creative offerings of our Neothink Society members in all genres: Creative writing of articles, stories, poems, humor, Writer’s Advocate, visual Arts, Musician’s works, videos, whatever can be conjured up through the PLAY of our Editor Staff.

MIND-SNAP is slated to become a Neothink Product upon acceptance of Mark Hamilton. It has evolved from the creative inspiration of David Heaster, our then Writer’s Coordinator. This position is now open to be filled. The Writers Essence Team will join with the Musicians and Artists when a Legal Entity is formed.

Elaine has also been working with Steve LaValley, the Musician’s Coordinator, forming the Musicians & Artists Essence Team, which has been meeting weekly to create a Neothink ARTS Guild/Corporation, (name undecided at present), which will then be a creative outlet for Neothink Member’s of many genres. The joint projects of all members, and individual creations will all have a place to be marketed and sold, aimed at enabling these Members to work only within their essence. There will be two outlets: The Neothink Society, and out into the anticivilization at some future time.

Much excitement has been generated by Steve LaValley and our Team of Musicians, Artists, and a couple of Poets since they decided to collaborate on creating a video Testimonial to Mark Hamilton, the Neothink Society, and TVP as a first project. Many of us have downloaded our offerings into Steve’s boxsite, from which he will weave his magic of a musical collage into a video. We invite members globally to submit their creations or snippets …You will need a boxsite Invitation, e-mail: Steve LaValley,

If you want to submit an audio to MIND-SNAP Magazine, you can send it forward to:

Another project that has evolved out of this stimulating pool of creativity, this true Mastermind Group, goes beyond a single product and into a production, probably for this Spring…A Showcase for Artists of any Genre which may evolve into a yearly Festival of the ARTS. There will be some technical classes and fun times for all present from late Friday to Sunday on Memorial Day weekend.

One of our member’s has offered a venue holding ~500 people equidistant from both coasts in the central southern United States. We are looking for businesses to act as Sponsors.

There will be a Regional NJ TVP Convention and World Neothink Day prior to the Showcase, where there is a possibility of a “dress rehearsal” on some of those sites. These opportunities are being explored now by Jeff Smith.

Mark Hamilton and Steve Rapella have expressed interest in all these activities for the ARTS Team.

With this article, we are wanting to increase awareness among our members, so that Artists of all genres will come forward to be presented in the Showcase, and our Members will be enticed to attend in high numbers for a weekend of enjoyment of the Performing Artists and their Art, and of each other in relaxation with our like-minded Neothink Family!

Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Come One, Come All! Global Members Welcome!

Elaine Bennett

ARTS Coordinator
Neothink Business Alliance
Writers/Poets Essence Team

Science Essenceby Keith Gilmore

NeoEnergy Independence

Another month has passed and NeoEnergy Independence (NEI) has made more progress with its formation and is now a viable company ready to out-compete the businesses in the anti civilization.

We have formed a Limited Liability Company (LLC) in the state of Nevada and also have formed our first satellite company in Kansas. Of course it has been only fun up until now and the real work is just beginning. Michael Chambers is the Kansas state NEI representative and has, with the onsite help of Rick Mabe, already put in motion the tactics and strategies we have developed to bring energy independence to the country and eventually the world.

Congratulations Mike! Now get back to work.

It looks like North Dakota is next and we will be focusing our attention to the north this month. Then California if all goes according to plan.

NEI is also in the process of securing distribution contracts for several other products including wind generation equipment and batteries for power storage.  Once those are in place, we will be able to meet the needs of residential customers and small business owners throughout the country.

Now, if you are looking to see something tangible, you can go to our new website at: and see the new site and our logo as well. The website is very new and under construction and promises to be an extremely valuable tool for us going forward.

Of particular interest to you in the Neothink® society is that this company was created and will be conducted using Neothink® principals found in the prime literature. In doing that, our likelihood of success has been greatly increased.  Frankly, I doubt if we would be this far along in such a short time without Neothink®.  For that we all thank you Mark Hamilton!

So now the real fun begins. Stayed tuned, we may be coming to your state soon!

7 Responses for “The Neothink® Business Alliance News”

  1. Jay Vann IIg says:

    I know, Alabama (AL) is screaming for change & business opportunities.

  2. Lou Gonzaga says:

    I know, this country needs to get back to basics there are lots of business opportunities, but government needs to get out of the business of squeezings the business community, we need less government and let the creators reshape this country again.

  3. Liz Szarka says:

    Rick: I love your affirmation and when we use it, while feeling happiness and belief, we attract back the same frequency type = the frequency of happiness along with the desired response/results…in turn attracting even more of the like…cool.

    Elaine, I love the MIND-SNAP. One day I may submit some creative writing that I will be willing to share; most of my 8 million papers were not creative however, but were political science! OOP, guess I’m in the wrong area huh? LOL I am good at political analysis and my creativity has room for growth!

    NeoEnergy Independence: wow feels great to see this too…what more can I say but “Bravo for this advance as well!”

    Thank You to Mark Hamilton and to my fellow Members for making the visions “come to life.”

    Luv, Lizzy

  4. vicente san martin jr says:

    every one in the neothink i would go back and hear last monday night call with Rick the value that came from that call was so great it was like add a buffer to the value that was given

  5. Ogden Raafi says:

    It is ideed a pleasure for me to read and observe the many accomplishments of the Neothink Society Membership. Therefore I want to add an announcement that I have, just this month 8/15/10 begun another phase of my FNE by enrolling in Colorado Technical University Online, where I am persuing a Bachelors Degree in Information Technology, with Consentration in Software Systems Engineering. I am thrilled, to say the least.. Salutations to all.

  6. Wow! What can I say. So much changed since I bought my literature over 5 years ago. Today was my first time I’ve spoken to a mentor. I am happy about it…

  7. Roy James says:

    It is a great day when someone has the courage to stand up for energy independence. I’ll do all I can to help!

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