Comments on: It’s In The Books Neothink Society News You Can Use Tue, 11 May 2010 05:12:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Patrick & Terri Tue, 11 May 2010 05:12:20 +0000 I LOVE TERRI. IT’S IN THE BOOKS. I FOUND LOVE AND I CANSEE. AND I FOUND VALUE EVERYWHERE I SEE. I THANK MR HAMILTON DIRECTLY. THANK YOU… THANK YOU ALL.

By: Patrick & Terri Rasmusson/Murdock Tue, 11 May 2010 05:06:19 +0000 The article(s) are wonderful to read. The perspective in how I view everything around me changed somewhat as a result of being a neothink member. The litature had been quite comelling to digest; the heirlooms as awe inspiring and realistic they are to be. At times I wonder why I had been approached by Mr Hamilton, he is a great man as is his Dad, and somewaht feel insignificant comparred to his level or his Dad’s. Yet, maybe for an instant the charecter of what neothink looks for to be pulled into their society is those quite like Mr Hamilton or his Father, those that have this energy and insight to dream and build and create and see for what is and what isn’t. Mr Hamilton had somethign correct with me that replyed so many times in my conscious each and every day the last few months, basic relationships. I just written my love, Terri, and e-mail, and it was somethign so oddly what Mr Hamilton related to in a video conference, it deals with values, important values. There are many of them significant values, everywhere, yet to see them is another accord. This value I wrote to Terri on in an e-mail to her e-mail account specified soemthing she began in a piece of writing, with a topic mixed in as a value. And her rare type of ability to see so inside me is just like Mr Hamilton’s, I’m perplexed. I wrote back to her,” You gave me a value that had never been present in my 43 years of life ebing so alone, despondant and isolated form the crowd”, it was written somethign to that nature. I explained to her she given to me the feeling of being needed and wanted that I had a purpose. She wonders where I get thsi energy from and I think she knows a truth so deep inside me of an empitness that had been so evident. This type of stuff can be researched and studied evenin the Miss Annabelle’s Secrets book, of finding that value. I have many of them, yet one was there that I couldn’t open on my own, and Terri opened it and all this beautiful stuff came out everywhere endlessly. By her side I came up with more innovation concepts for renewables, etc then I could possiably imagine, from the feeling of being loved and needed, just as in the Book. I wish I could open this feeling up and let it Universally flow into everyone I meet. I hadn’t ever really thought I could open up to others, or even be significant or have a value, and i guess I do. Soemdays I walk out that door and strool downtown and everyoen knows i am goign downtown for what ever reason, andlately they know to expect nice things to be said or things of value and care and things of innovation or creativity or of adding values back to another human being. And it took a woman by the name of Terri to explain it like that to me “PAtrick, don;t you ever think your aren’t worth anything” she wrote,a nd went on” you are the most incrediable and most talented man I had ever met””, and went on to say things like what Mrr Hamilton said in his video conference… and alls I think I wanted in life for all of that to coem out was to fall in love with just one woman and be the bast manI could for her and I did and was, and still continue to do so. I even came up with a car design next to her side that runs off of its own momentum. Sadly I written about it on the intra net otherwise I could of owned theidea and kept it for moeny for myself and wish I could, Newtoian Physics. I fell in love, jus tlike Mr Hamilton said I would,adn I did these great thigns and my mind began making puzzels bigger then before and they are all value creating puzzels mindfully. So I ask, as I sit here and type,
Can you see my heart beat within your eye?
Can you see how my emotions are so alive?
Can yousee the love ina row of trees
covered by each Summer’s breeze?

Love is beautiful, as Terri IS my #1 A-Team member, and my only member at this time, she and I value all of you, and she is the keeper of my books. And she is the first person I found I can trust and love just like all of you. Here you are all on a web page, inlife Terri and someothers are face to face and it is such a beautiful feeling to feel such great emotional qualities…
“To Mr Hamilton, thank you so much. Do know I and Terri ahve a destiny and a love to share and believe in the writings in the books that all can be restorred to love once again. I believe in you Mr Hamilton…I believe…”

By: Jill Reed Fri, 16 Apr 2010 03:43:49 +0000 Jim,

Thank you so much for putting this valuable creation together for us. I really enjoy reading your post as well as all my other fellow creators words.

Today, I told two (2) people that I am helping create a new America, and that they will be pleasantly surprised when they discover how much it is like the world they have envisioned all of their lives.

Thanks again for all that you do as Editor of NeothinkNews and as head of the NT Warriors. You are a dear friend.

